Descendents - Coffee Mug

Es gibt ja sehr viele verrückte Leute auf der Welt. Aber dieses Lied ist einfach eine Ode an den Kaffee. :)
Gefunden durch das Cover Album "Decas" von As I Lay Dying.


Coffee Mug
Gonna Clear Away The Haze
Liquid Proof
That I Can Win This Race
Coffee Mug
The Grip That Keeps Me Tall
My Inter-Link
Keeps Me Questing All

I Don't Need No Booze Or Drugs
I Just Chug-A-Lug-O My Coffee Mug
And I Don't Need Your Kiss And Hug
I Just Chug-A-Lug-O My Coffee Mug

They Haven't Banned
My Liquid Drug Of Choice
There's Too Many Hooked
And They've Got Too Much Voice
So For The Moment
We're All Pretty Good To Go
With 98 Cups
With 98 More To Go

I Don't Need No Booze Or Drugs
I Just Chug-A-Lug-O My Coffee Mug
And I Don't Need Your Kiss And Hug
I Just Chug-A-Lug-O My Coffee Mug

Here A Bean, There A Bean
Everywhere A Mean Mean Bean
Chug-A-Lug-O-My Coffee
Mug, Mug, Mug, Mug

Gangnam Style

Die nachfolgenden Videos sind natürlich schon durch das ganze Netz gegangen, aber aus Gründe muss ich es auch noch hier verewigen:
Das Original:

Deutsche Version:

Englische Parodie:

Außerdem war die Trollcon so toll, das ein paar aktuelle Memes nicht schaden könnten. Nur die Ponies spare ich mir lieber. :)

Rolling in the Higgs (Adele Parody)

Vorhin auf NSFW aufgehört und nun hier für die restliche Leserschaft. Sehr geil wie ich finde. :)
So macht Physik Spaß. Warum gab's das nicht auch in meiner Abendschule?

Und zum Mitsingen noch der Text:

There's a collider under Geneva
Reaching new energies that we've never achieved before
Finally we can see with this machine
A brand new data peak at 125 GeV
See how gluons and vector bosons fuse
Muons and gamma rays emerge from something new
There's a collider under Geneva
Making one particle that we've never seen before

The complex scalar
Elusive boson
Escaped detection by the LEP and Tevatron
The complex scalar
What is its purpose?
It's got me thinking

We could have had a model (Particle breakthrough, at the LHC)
Without a scalar field (5-sigma result, could it be the Higgs)
But symmetry requires no mass (Particle breakthrough, at the LHC)
So we break it, with the Higgs (5-sigma result, could it be the Higgs)

Baby I have a theory to be told
The standard model used to discover our quantum world
SU(3), U(1), SU(2)'s our gauge
Make a transform and the equations shouldn't change

The particles then must all be massless
Cause mass terms vary under gauge transformation
The one solution is spontaneous
Symmetry breaking

Roll your vacuum to minimum potential
Break your SU(2) down to massless modes
Into mass terms of gauge bosons they go
Fermions sink in like skiers into snow

Lyrics and arrangement by Tim Blais and A Capella Science
Original music by Adele