Lieder für meine Beerdigung

Neulich bin ich mal wieder im Wald joggen gewesen und habe dabei wieder alte Lieder von Extol gehört. :) Dabei hab ich gedacht: Wenn man stirbt, werden ja auch immer Lieder auf der Beerdigung gespielt. Weil heute Karfreitag ist und Jesus vor knapp 2000 Jahren damals gekreuzigt wurde, kann man ja auch über das Sterben schreiben.
Zwei Lieder die vielleicht etwas verstörend sind (weil es Metal ist), aber vom Text her tröstlich sind die folgenden:

Extol - Burial

Blessed is he who has got
His transgressions forgiven
And his sins hidden
Blessed is the man whom the Lord
Do not ascribe misdeeds
And is without deceit in his spirit

Buried it deep inside
But soon a sprout came forth
It kept on growing
I couldn't hide
When I kept it to myself
Slowly my bones corroded
And my vitality vanished
Like in the summer dry

Too many people living this life
Who can take their guilt away?
Their minds are rotting
And causing an endless pain
Soon they are demented and put away

I confessed my sins to You
And did not hide my guilt
I said "I want to confess my misdeeds to You"
And He took away my sin and guilt

He is my sanctuary

Und dann noch ein weiteres, dessen Text mir auch sehr gut gefällt:

Drottnar - Funeral of Funerals

I will watch without eyes
The summoning

I will hear without ears
The cheers (the cheers)

I will scream without tongue
In ecstasy

I will cry without tears
In uttermost joy

I will raise my body
Without bones

I will cross land impossible
To traverse

I will march without feet
In the grand finale

Rejoice, my friend
This is the end
It is the funeral of funerals

Rejoice, my friend
This is the end
It is the funeral of funerals

I will lift mountains
With my bare hands

And I will see all time
From creation to extinction

I will watch my world
In sulfur

While your eyes blinked

Rejoice, my friend
This is the end
It is the funeral of funerals

Rejoice, my friend
This is the end
It is the funeral... of funerals