Danko Jones - Video Triologie

Danko Jones versteht es noch richtig dreckigen Rock'n'Roll zu machen und genau das macht doch am meisten Spaß. Puren, reinen Rock'n'Roll.
Mit dem Album "Below the Belt" von 2010 hat Danko Jones auch eine kleine Geschichte gemacht, die in den Videos zu den Songs: "Full of Regret", "Had Enough" und "I Think Bad Thoughts" erzählt wird.

1. Full of Regrets:

2. Had Enough:

3. I Think Bad Thoughts:

Demon Hunter - My Throat Is An Open Grave

Die akustische Version des Liedes.

We lay face down in pale solitude
To save face, we pulled our walls in front of you
To the same place where we danced in front of you
We fell from grace and watched the hope fall from your face

This isn't me I used to say
All the love was so gone
It feels good to be alive
I've been dead for so long

And all those broken promises
I can't face, afraid if someone notices, i lose my place
Fractures, broken, paralyzed
I need some space, tear me open, analyze

This isn't me I used to say
All the love was so gone
It feels good to be alive
I've been dead for so long

Wake up screaming, I'm awake and dreaming
And I won't stop breathing until my heart stops beating

This isn't me I used to say
All the love was so gone
It feels good to be alive
I've been dead for so long

(c) Demon Hunter im Jahre 2002